The structure of atoms
Have you ever wondered while watching TV why, with all the free electrons flying about, they never collide with the myriads of nuclei that abound in our universe, even though they should be attracted strongly towards them. Well, I’ve been thinking a lot about that lately, and this article describes the conclusions I have come to.
The puzzle begins with the Bohr atom. Here are all these electrons whizzing around the nucleus never losing energy, never flying off into space nor plunging toward the extremely attractive positive nucleus. Also in electrical currents there are a host of free electrons but all move passively around the outside of the atoms, never straying into the atomic depths close to the nucleus.
All of this suggests that there is a structure to the atom which belies the image of the tiny nucleus surrounded by free space in which the electrons swarm. But how can there be structure in this free space, after all it is just free space? Perhaps not!
In the work I did on the nature of the electron and proton I suggested that the proton itself was not a true elementary particle and was instead made up of nearly 1000 electron positron pairs (which I called a doublet. It is one of the forms of energy that is termed a neutrino) plus one extra positron. When that work was published I was not sure as to exactly how this structure became stable, but I have since concluded that the secret is that a proton is actually the primary nucleus, and what happens is what happens with all nuclei.
Let us go back a step. We have previously concluded that, at the quantum level, free space is a seething foam of dipole emergence events which events are, in the absence of any free charge, totally random. When a positive charge is introduced into this foam, the events in the foam become polarized with the negative poles being attracted to the charge and the positive poles being repelled. This action effectively distributes the charge over a new surface some specific quantum distance away. The process is repeated over this new surface to create a second surface a further quantum distance away, and so on producing a succession of onion like surfaces extending out to infinity. Elementary electrostatics will demonstrate that the total charge distributed around each of these surfaces is equal to the initial charge introduced, and most significantly, the sum of all charges below any one of these surfaces is zero.
Thus, in the case of a proton, the ~1000 doublets and a single positron nestle within the first surface, and because all the net charge of +e has been effectively transported to the outside of the surface, there is no resultant charge inside and hence no resultant divisive forces allowing the entity to be totally stable. Of course, the obvious question remains, “Why is only one precise size of proton permitted?” The only answer I have right now is that the same quantum forces which dictate there is only one size of electron and positron also dictates a unique size of proton.
So having described the hydrogen nucleus, we move on and assume that a deuterium nucleus forms similarly with two protons and one electron nestling together within a quantum surface, the net charge outside the surface being +e. Again, all charges have been transported to the outside surface of the onion skin, resulting again in there being a minimum of divisive forces within the nucleus itself. This structure is commonly viewed as a proton and a neutron, but the neutron cannot exist on its own because having no resultant charge it does not have a protective onion skin layer, and it soon decays into more stable component entities.
Now let us examine a hydrogen nucleus (proton) being approached by an electron. As the electron does so it moves through a series of onion skin layers, each with an increasing charge density. As it penetrates each positive surface it is repelled by the underlying negative surface and visa versa until it reaches a point where the combined attractive force of the upper positive layer and the repulsive force of the lower negative layer hold it in dynamic equilibrium. Once there it effectively neutralizes all charges to a distant observer, creating a hydrogen atom.
An identical process can be described for two electrons around a helium nucleus, and further to a lithium nucleus except that now some mechanism defines that only two electrons fill the first available onion skin layer, and the third occupies a new layer. The significant thing about this new layer is that the charge density is the same as it would be for a net single proton due to the canceling effect of the two helium level electrons.
The process described continues onward and upward through a neon layer of eight electrons, an argon layer of another eight electrons, and on to the krypton layer of eighteen electrons etc.
The puzzle begins with the Bohr atom. Here are all these electrons whizzing around the nucleus never losing energy, never flying off into space nor plunging toward the extremely attractive positive nucleus. Also in electrical currents there are a host of free electrons but all move passively around the outside of the atoms, never straying into the atomic depths close to the nucleus.
All of this suggests that there is a structure to the atom which belies the image of the tiny nucleus surrounded by free space in which the electrons swarm. But how can there be structure in this free space, after all it is just free space? Perhaps not!
In the work I did on the nature of the electron and proton I suggested that the proton itself was not a true elementary particle and was instead made up of nearly 1000 electron positron pairs (which I called a doublet. It is one of the forms of energy that is termed a neutrino) plus one extra positron. When that work was published I was not sure as to exactly how this structure became stable, but I have since concluded that the secret is that a proton is actually the primary nucleus, and what happens is what happens with all nuclei.
Let us go back a step. We have previously concluded that, at the quantum level, free space is a seething foam of dipole emergence events which events are, in the absence of any free charge, totally random. When a positive charge is introduced into this foam, the events in the foam become polarized with the negative poles being attracted to the charge and the positive poles being repelled. This action effectively distributes the charge over a new surface some specific quantum distance away. The process is repeated over this new surface to create a second surface a further quantum distance away, and so on producing a succession of onion like surfaces extending out to infinity. Elementary electrostatics will demonstrate that the total charge distributed around each of these surfaces is equal to the initial charge introduced, and most significantly, the sum of all charges below any one of these surfaces is zero.
Thus, in the case of a proton, the ~1000 doublets and a single positron nestle within the first surface, and because all the net charge of +e has been effectively transported to the outside of the surface, there is no resultant charge inside and hence no resultant divisive forces allowing the entity to be totally stable. Of course, the obvious question remains, “Why is only one precise size of proton permitted?” The only answer I have right now is that the same quantum forces which dictate there is only one size of electron and positron also dictates a unique size of proton.
So having described the hydrogen nucleus, we move on and assume that a deuterium nucleus forms similarly with two protons and one electron nestling together within a quantum surface, the net charge outside the surface being +e. Again, all charges have been transported to the outside surface of the onion skin, resulting again in there being a minimum of divisive forces within the nucleus itself. This structure is commonly viewed as a proton and a neutron, but the neutron cannot exist on its own because having no resultant charge it does not have a protective onion skin layer, and it soon decays into more stable component entities.
Now let us examine a hydrogen nucleus (proton) being approached by an electron. As the electron does so it moves through a series of onion skin layers, each with an increasing charge density. As it penetrates each positive surface it is repelled by the underlying negative surface and visa versa until it reaches a point where the combined attractive force of the upper positive layer and the repulsive force of the lower negative layer hold it in dynamic equilibrium. Once there it effectively neutralizes all charges to a distant observer, creating a hydrogen atom.
An identical process can be described for two electrons around a helium nucleus, and further to a lithium nucleus except that now some mechanism defines that only two electrons fill the first available onion skin layer, and the third occupies a new layer. The significant thing about this new layer is that the charge density is the same as it would be for a net single proton due to the canceling effect of the two helium level electrons.
The process described continues onward and upward through a neon layer of eight electrons, an argon layer of another eight electrons, and on to the krypton layer of eighteen electrons etc.